
Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Old School Car Audio Magazines - Help!

I'm on an all out hunt for 1988-2005 Car Audio & Electronics and Car Stereo Review magazines. I had most of the issues back to the beginning of CA&E (1988), but tossed them during a move around 10 years ago. I know there must be some folks out there who have not made the mistake I did and still have these mags....right? 

I'm attempting to digitally archive all of these magazines for historical purposes. I've contacted CA&E and they are planning on archiving the issues themselves, but they also said this would take quite a while and was not a priority. I fully understand their stance as they must review and promote the current products to keep advertisers happy and such. As for me, I'm an old school car audio NUT and think it is VERY important to get these mags archived ASAP!

Anyone out there with some or all of these old mags want to be the first to donate their mags for a few months so I can get them scanned? Contact me at oldschoolstereo at gmail (.com) so we can work out the details. 
Let's keep the Old School alive!

Update 4/29/11:
I've received some feedback, even had some VERY generous people offer up their magazines (thank you!). I'm going to keep an ongoing list of the magazines I'm still missing to fill my collection. See the list below and let me know if you can help.

Here are the CA&E's I know I'm missing:

1988 - July (premiere issue), Aug, Sept, Nov
1989 - Mar, Apr, Sept
1990 - May, July, Sept
1992 - Dec
2003 - Jan, Apr, May, June
2004 - Jan, May, June
2006 - Feb, Mar, Nov
2007 - July
2008 - Dec (final issue)

Auto Sound & Security Magazines Needed:

1990 - Nov (I have Nov, but my issue is in BAD shape), Dec
1991 - Feb - Nov
1992 - Feb, Oct
1993 - Jan, May, June, July-Nov
1994 - All 12 issues
1995 - Jan-July, Aug-Oct
1996 - May
1997 - May
1998 - Sept, Dec
1999 - Mar, May
2000 - Sept, Nov
2001 - Oct
2002 - Mar, June, Aug-Dec (final issue = 12/02)


Sunday, January 16, 2011

New Site Design Coming Soon....

I apologize for the complete lack of design quality in! This is a VERY part-time gig for me and I'm going to get to a re-design as soon as possible.

Please send all comments/questions/pictures and more to oldschoolstereo at gmail. 

If you would like to contribute to oldschoolstereo, please use the "Donate" button below. Any amount would be greatly appreciated!